Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2022

Adam & Word Relationships

Adam & Word Relationships

Here's another couple interesting thoughts with regards to the Hebrew words for "blood" and "water":

Firstly the Hebrew word for "blood" - "dem" (sounds like "dum"). This word for blood is found within the Hebrew word "Adam". Now although Adam literally means "to be red" it is translated in the beginning of the Biblical book of Genesis as "man" in the English. This first person of creation came from the dust or dirt which was said to be red in color, thus this first person was considered "to be red" and was therefore called "Adam". Now why is it interesting that we find the word blood within the Hebrew word Adam which is used to describe Mankind? Well, if you recall the first letter of the Hebrew Alephbet is the letter Aleph which represents God. So symbolically we see that people are made from a mix of the physical and the spiritual; of God and blood.

Now there is a play on words here in the Hebrew which is not carried over into the English. In Gen. 5:2 both the first man and woman are called Adam in the Hebrew; notice that the verse states that God "named them" (both male and female) "Adam" - "man". The play on words is seen in the Hebrew word "adamah" meaning "earth". The Hebrew word for "Adam" is found in the first three letters of the Hebrew word for "earth" for out of the earth was man created. In the English it would be similar to people being called "earthlings" for they came from the "earth".

This idea of Hebrew words within other Hebrew words and their relationship is actually found throughout the Hebrew language and most times it is due to the root word that is related to every word, then other times it reveals some incredible insight. For example the word "hole" is found within the word "black" in the Hebrew, the number of examples are truly staggering causing one to doubt that it can only be as a result of coincidence, but again I will leave that decision up to you.

In Hebrew the word for a domesticated animal is a "bhama"

(pronounced as: the first "a" is long the second "a" is short).

If you read this word as two words, "bah ma" it means "in it is what it is" in other words the animals are exactly what they were designed to be. Man on the other hand has the potential to become something greater. If you take the Hebrew word for mankind "adam" and change the order of the letters, you get the Hebrew word for "more". Now man is called "adam" because he was made from the "adamah" which is the Hebrew word for earth.

The Hebrew word "adameh" which is spelled with the exact same letters and just uses 1 different vowel symbol means "I will be similar".

I will be "domah" to the Alpeh; or, I will be similar to God. We can just be dirt "earth" or we can be like God; all in the same word.

...and how do we know we can be similar to God, or that we were made in the image of God, just look at the number values:

Now what is different between us and the animals is we can have a relationship with God through prayer. The Hebrew verb form of the word for "prayer" is "meetplal". (As an aside the Hebrew word "plal" means " to judge". In other words when we come to God in prayer we are to judge ourselves and the motive behind what we may consider requesting of God.) Now in various locations within this website I have shown how we can understand our connection to our parents, our make up from a combination of God/spirit and blood etc., now I want to show you how we can see within our Hebrew DNA "adam" our relationship is revealed. If we take the Hebrew word Adam and spell out each letter we will see that within the spelling of the letters we get the word "adam" reading right to left (underlined in red) and the remaining letters (underlined in green) form the word "meetplal" almost reading perfectly left to right!